Sunday, March 7, 2010

Still in love with my singer machine. I found out that it's a full sized machine but uses the same bobbin case as a singer featherweight. That's why the bobbin that I purchase cost way to much. I wished that I had check to see if there was a bobbin case with the machine yesterday. Oh well!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

FIrst post and Look at what I got!

I saw this machine at the goodwill about 2 weeks ago. They wanted $100.00 for it. I just couldn't spend that amount of money even though this machine came with a case. I did walkout of the store without the machine. All the way home I told myself that I should have gotten that machine. I almost when back. But I didn't. I told myself that if the machine was still there in 2 weeks I would ask for a price reduction. Well guess what? the machine was still there and they had marked it down to $75.00. Now if it had been $75.00 originally I would just bought it; But nooo! I had to see if they would it mark down some more. To make a long story short I got this baby for $65.00. It needs a bobbin case and bobbins (unfortunately I not did check to make sure it had a bobbin case. But it runs and it's a Singer). Now mine you I don't need another machine. But it was small and it was solid metal. Well I'm going to look on the internet to see if I can get parts for it.